
What’s the point of social media?

Over the last few months, I’ve caught myself getting annoyed with social media. Hey, no big deal, you might think. But digital marketing is my job. Social Media is a Necessary Evil The thing is, social media has become a necessary evil if you’re a business or a brand looking to succeed, at all. Some […]


Be the CEO… of your life.

I was having a conversation with a colleague a few weeks ago, catching up on life. I was telling her about my upcoming trip overseas and that I’d started planning a trip back to New York City this summer. “Wow, you are just LIVING your life!” she said. Yeah… I’ve been sort of on a […]


Learning to let go.

I have never been one to let go of anything. In fact, I hold onto things longer than I should, to the point that it’s problematic. I hold onto everything. From physical mementos in photo boxes and clothes that don’t fit to memories (the good and the bad) and grudges. I am really, really bad […]


Am I lacking ‘girl game’?

Last week, Forbes magazine published an Instagram post revealing the top five downloaded podcasts, which included one called “The Art of Charm”. I checked it out, and noticed the description was geared toward men and how they could improve their lives in all areas, including work, friends, family, and dating, all by the tips in […]


Pic of the Week.

Last week, I was under the weather. It’s been a LONG time since I’ve been sick; I’d like to think it’s because I’ve been really good about taking my vitamins, eating healthy, getting rest, and using my essential oils. But, lots of people in my office have been sick, so despite all of my efforts […]


Rescue me: Hangover cures!

It’s Thirsty Thursday (uh, so what if I’m 9 years out of college…), so let’s be adult about one thing and NOT have a hangover tomorrow! That’s what we call t-e-a-m-w-o-r-k. For years, my girlfriend and I have been hosting “Ladies Night,” which basically means we eat delicious food, watch trashy TV, and drink multiple […]


Pic of the Week.

I really don’t have any great pictures that represent my travels this weekend – it’s very likely that I was having such a good time, I didn’t pick up my phone. But I traveled north and visited some friends from high school, and got to meet my best friend’s baby (cutest baby ever, seriously). It […]


Pic of the Week.

It’s quite possible I’m still coming off a high from such an incredible weekend. I took my first paid-vacation day at the new job on Friday to travel to Kansas City, Missouri. A little random? Kind of. My reasoning was, I got invited to a wedding there. The groom has been a longtime blog reader, turned […]


Dating at Work.

Three weeks ago, I started a new job. It’s a full-time career with benefits and a salary, and it’s pretty awesome. It’s my dream job! Starting a new job is always exciting, but a little stressful, too. You’re trying to learn new things, get adjusted to the culture, and meeting all kinds of new people […]


Fall is for Lovers.

We’re less than two weeks away from the official start of fall! And yes, I know, Baton Rouge doesn’t really get a fall season. Instead, we get “slightly less hot,” and the leaves start to turn brown instead of that burnt orange color I saw growing up in the Midwest. But still, we wear hoodies […]


Pic of the Week.

I spent last week in Austin, and made the trek back to Baton Rouge late Friday night. I wanted to visit my kitty, get some packing done, and I had one final shift to work at my retail job. My friend Derek had been telling me for weeks he was going to come over Saturday […]


The Ex Factor.

I saw him for the first time at Duvic’s. It was Valentine’s Day, he was bartending; pouring several tequila shots. I was out with a friend, doing what single girls do on a couple-y holiday: drinking. What I didn’t know then was that the bartender that night would become a part of my life — […]


Pic of the Week.

Last Wednesday, I was really excited to get to attend a social media seminar — “Making the Hashtag Your BFF” — hosted by a local creative firm, Dezins Interactive. I’ve seen DI advertise for these seminars before, but I’ve never been able to make it, due to my hectic retail schedule. Well, I guess no […]


Fresh Friday: Someday.

How CUTE is little Biebs in that picture? Ah, the old days. Anyway, we’ll get to that in a second. Because it’s Friday, and that means Jurassic World comes out (!), and hey, I’ve got the day off, AGAIN! I wanted to feature Justin Bieber’s earlier scent, Someday, for two reasons: 1. it was the […]


Stepping outside the lines.

Last week, social media was ablaze with one thing: Caitlyn Jenner made her stunning debut. For me, Caitlyn’s transition isn’t about fame (dare I say it) or fortune; it’s not about TV ratings or the Kardashians; forget the Twitter records and the courage awards; it’s not even about sexual orientation (whom Jenner decides to sleep […]


Fresh Friday: Ezra.

IF YOU’RE READING THIS… I’M ON THE BEACH! And in honor of that, what better way to celebrate hot, shirtless dudes by having a scent profile of Abercrombie & Fitch’s elite perfume, Ezra?! I got a bottle of Ezra when I worked at Abercrombie & Fitch in college (stomping grounds for two years), and I’d […]


Fresh Friday: Miss Pucci. 

   Happy Friday, everyone! Is it just me, or have these weeks been flying by lately? In a way, it makes me happy (I’ve got a beach trip approaching), but I am struggling to keep up with all of my deadlines. #WriterProbs  Deadlines and time aside, I am shocked I’ve had more than 30 Fresh […]


Fresh Friday: Lovely.

Hello my LOVELY readers! This has certainly been another crazy busy week for the books, but I always feel so good after I’ve conquered a packed week, what about you? While I’ve still got to work this weekend, I’m looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow (getting up at 6am everyday is truly for the birds)! […]
