
Be the CEO… of your life.

I was having a conversation with a colleague a few weeks ago, catching up on life. I was telling her about my upcoming trip overseas and that I’d started planning a trip back to New York City this summer. “Wow, you are just LIVING your life!” she said. Yeah… I’ve been sort of on a […]


Healthcare, tears, and TSA

Almost two weeks ago, I got a call from my uncle letting me know my dad had been admitted to the hospital. As I’ve mentioned here before, the relationship I have with my dad came to a halt about three and a half years ago. I haven’t heard from him since then, or really heard […]


On keeping it real (honest).

It’s 9:30 pm, and I’m writing this on my phone as I soak in the tub. I just had a mini-meltdown in my car and am grasping for all of my self care necessities at once: Blanche, bubble bath, John Mayer, and a clay mask.  Since Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, I’ve been stressed. I’ve been […]


Detox Your Dating: Day 6.

Ok – day 6! Today is all about the “Top ingredients for a high-quality man”. This is exactly what I need to see. Denise has a list of just SOME of the ingredients of a high-quality man, and they are: His actions will always speak louder than his words. High Quality mens’ words and actions […]


Detox Your Dating: Day 5.

SRSLY, everyone is just freaking out about this solar eclipse – is it really that big of a deal? My office doesn’t even have windows, so I’m 100% sure I will not notice when Texas gets 65% coverage. Le sigh. Anyway, onto Day 5, and this one is a tough one for me. Day 5 […]


Detox Your Dating: Day 4.

The detox for day 3 was pretty eye-opening for me, so I’m curious to dive into day 4! This day is all about “Recognizing your cravings for attention”. Oh boy… Day 4 Challenge: Recognize Your Cravings for Attention Denise explains that many successful women admit to having some sort of “attachment” to something on the […]


Detox Your Dating: Day 1.

A fellow singleton friend asked me if I wanted to try a free 7-day exercise called “Detox Your Dating Life” put on by Denise Poteat. I immediately agreed – although I do really, really enjoy being single, I’m always up for a challenge. This 7-day exercise involves lots of self-reflection, and over the course of […]


No really, who’s my soulmate?

Hola, readers! Ugh, it has been a weird/crazy week over here, so I apologize for not posting yesterday. In time, I’ll explain it all, of course. But, something has been on my mind. You may have noticed that when I posted about what happened with my last crush/male-interest, etc., a fellow blogger posted her advice. […]


Loneliness is tragic.

Lately, I’ve been feeling lonely. There’s a difference between being alone and feeling lonely, because, well, I’ve been alone for a greater part of the last 14 years. Most of that time, though, I haven’t felt lonely. After two tragedies struck my friends and family in Indiana over the last six weeks though, I started […]


‘So Cosmo’: Woman Up.

Hey, hey! It has been a bit of a doozy of a week – so bad I almost had to go out and buy myself a bottle of wine, but I didn’t, because 1. I’m too lazy, and 2. I’m really serious about not messing up my “sleep study” (please read Tuesday’s post for clarity). […]


That ‘Nine Track Mind’…

I mentioned a few weeks ago that my latest celebrity crush is Charlie Puth – and he still is. I borrowed his debut album, “Nine Track Mind” from the library and listened to it for a solid month before purchasing it on my own. It’s delightful, in a traditional pop music way, and there are […]


Chesapeake Shores: episode 8.

Y’all, next week is the finale – I can’t believe it! I’ve heard rumors that this show isn’t coming back, but I hope they’re wrong, because I’ve really enjoyed watching it. But anyway, last night’s episode started off full of family drama. Everyone is stressed out and it’s obvious. Kevin seems to be recovering from […]


Hand-Picked: Fashionable holidays.

Happy Friday, everyone! It’s time for the week’s final installment of “Hand-Picked” – it probably won’t be the last time ever for it, because, well I only went through maybe 1/4 of all the little mementos I have stuffed in boxes in my tiny apartments. But nonetheless, I do hope you’ve enjoyed all of my […]


Celebrating the 90’s (You’re Invited)!

So, if you haven’t heard – which, if you got The Bitter Lemon email newsletter, you would have heard already – I am having a 90’s celebration on Saturday (tomorrow!), right on SnapChat! There’s going to be many, many movies, even festive food, possibly terrible fashion and makeup, 90’s music, trivia, and general reminiscing about […]


Ditching disappointment.

I’ve been thinking a lot about disappointment lately. I mean, do you ever get to that point where you’re just not even feeling mad, more just let down? Disappointment can come from anywhere. Speaking from experience, I’d say recently I felt disappointment when I couldn’t make it to Indianapolis to see the Dave Matthews concert; […]



Last Tuesday, I was taking my favorite dance class (per usual). I love it for two reasons: 1. The dances we learn are always fun and challenging; and 2. The instructor has this amazing, positive energy that’s contagious. On this particular Tuesday, she was teaching us a dance very different from ones she’s taught us […]
