Blanche’s Book Club: ‘Losing It’.

Happy Sunday! I keep thinking this is the last weekend before Christmas – but we still have one more! I think I am pretty much finished with all of my shopping (minus a few little things), and I’ve done a majority of my baking (more on this in another post).

I am still feeling the crunch though, trying to get all of my work done before the holiday and get my apartment under control before my mom comes in to town!

But! I still made time to get some reading done. I got ahead of myself and packed two books on my trip to New York and I didn’t read a SINGLE page. Both were library books due back this weekend, so I really had my work cut out for me #libraryprobs

Let’s get into Blanche’s Book Club’s latest read: “Losing It” by Emma Rathbone. Here is the description from Amazon:

Julia Greenfield has a problem: she’s twenty-six years old and she’s still a virgin. Sex ought to be easy. People have it all the time! But, without meaning to, she made it through college and into adulthood with her virginity intact. Something’s got to change. 

To re-route herself from her stalled life, Julia travels to spend the summer with her mysterious aunt Vivienne in North Carolina. It’s not long, however, before she unearths a confounding secret—her 58 year old aunt is a virgin too. In the unrelenting heat of the southern summer, Julia becomes fixated on puzzling out what could have lead to Viv’s appalling condition, all while trying to avoid the same fate.

For readers of Rainbow Rowell and Maria Semple, and filled with offbeat characters and subtle, wry humor, Losing It is about the primal fear that you just. might. never. meet. anyone. It’s about desiring something with the kind of obsessive fervor that almost guarantees you won’t get it. It’s about the blurry lines between sex and love, and trying to figure out which one you’re going for. And it’s about the decisions—and non-decisions—we make that can end up shaping a life.

I’m honestly not sure where I saw this book. For book recommendations, I follow a few bookstore owners on Instagram, along with a few other book lovers, and I do look at Pinterest sometimes. I also get lured by the books the library places on the end-caps.

This book sounded funny, and I do like Rainbow Rowell and Maria Sempell. But… I didn’t like this book. I even debated putting it on the blog because I don’t think it’s entirely right that I talk poorly about someone’s book!

But I also just can’t ONLY put the good reviews on here – then you guys wouldn’t trust me with book recommendations, right?

So, here I am, and honestly, I think the main thing here is that I couldn’t find a way to relate. I lost my virginity later than my friends, but it was before I turned 26.

Also, I felt that she thought about sex constantly, which is another thing I can’t relate to. I don’t recall thinking about sex like that… really ever?

So yes. This book just wasn’t for me – but I’m not saying it wouldn’t be for you. Have you ever read a book that felt like this? I still finished it – I’ve only completely stopped reading a book if its totally not right, and at least this had a few bits to cling to.

But, the next book Blanche’s Book Club will be reading is “Crazy Rich Asians” by Kevin Kwan.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

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